Digital Display Marketing


Digital Display Marketing - Ads

Digital display advertisements can be seen all over the place. We can see images displaying ads online on our mobile devices and computers.  Ads using graphical images provides additional impact and engagement to the people who see the ads. Most businesses maximize the use of advertisement using display ads to promote their products and services.

The evolution of online display advertising has changed drastically from simple handwritten text to using modern procedures such as ‘retargeting’ strategies, real-time bidding, and the ongoing development of new techniques in marketing. The traditional form of advertising is still alive. Today, it is a mix of robust modern innovative techniques that provide better results for merchants, affiliates, and customers.

The purpose of Display marketing

Advertisers want to cultivate the reactions of the people that could possibly turn into paying customers. A well-positioned display ad can improve a company’s sales performance and its reputation. Display marketing revolves primarily in images unlike in SEO it is only optimized using text. The visual representation of a company’s ad shows the strength and individuality of their brands.

What are the forms of display marketing?

Today, display advertising is not just about the old-fashioned banner ads. It is composed of graphical elements that are mixed with videos, text, and images. Here are the forms of display advertising:

  1. Banner – banner ads varies in various sizes. It can have animated and interactive designs.
  2. layer ads – it covers the entire content of the site, unlike pop-ups that use a separate window to display the ads.
  3. pop-under – these ads work like pop-up ads but they only show once a user exits the website.
  4. pop-up ads – advertisements that ‘pop up’ once a user carries out an action. This type of ad relies on JavaScript to make it work.
  5. content ads – these are banner ads embedded directly into a web page.

Billing model of display ads

CPM = cost per mileDigital Display Marketing - single ad

CPS = cost per sale  

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CPC = cost per click

PPC = pay per click

CPL = cost per lead

Challenges that you will encounter in digital marketing

20 years ago, a standard banner display advertisement had click-through rates (CTRs) of
44%; those days were the golden days of advertisers. Today, CTRs is crawling at 0.1%. Meaning, out of the 1,000 people who saw the ad, only a single person clicked on the banner. People nowadays are not into click-baiting and sensationalized advertisement. They only click an ad if they need the product.

The advent of ad-blockers in browser plugins and mobile devices made it really hard for advertisers to display their ads and practice this ad discipline. Instead of accepting the huge setback, advertising experts are developing new advertising techniques that are more efficient.

Today’s advertising trends

Native advertising is getting popular today. It is embedded in the editorial content that appears as trustworthy content yet advertising discreetly to the viewers. This new strategy is booming in mobile advertisements because the ads that appear on mobile screens are visible like traditional banners.

In terms of quantity, the profitable way to maximize display advertisement is by using automated advertising markets. Advertisers use this technique to flood the market with ads resulting in the increase of product stocks and the lowering of its price.

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Rina Walker

Rina Walker - Founder of EarningOnline.come

I am Rina Walker the founder of Earning Online and have been running a successful affiliate marketing website and blogging about earning online opportunites since November 2016. The niches that I am involved in include Wealth Creation, Permaculture, Action Cameras and Social Enterprise - all of which I have a great interest in.

I'm also involved in helping, supporting and coaching online entrepreneurs of all levels to build and run their own successful web-based affiliate business.

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