Social Marketing Model


Reaching you Niches online audience takes a number of ways including pay per click or PPC Campaigns.

Social Marketing Model - keypad

Then of course a great way to expose your affiliate brand to the masses is by optimizing the Social Marketing Model and your presence in social media networks. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest are just the start.

Expanding Your Reach through Social Media

On a personal level, people use social media to connect with their friends, get the latest news, and share posts with family. But, in business it’s used to market a brand and products by taking advantage of the social network’s population to influence billions of people around the world. And when shown properly, this strategy can make all the difference to a businesses online profits as you can imagine. 

Ways how affiliate marketing works with Social Networks

One of the best ways to take advantage of social media network populations is to build authority with your chosen audience. Your affiliate program can definitely boom in a social network with a huge number of followers. The more people in your niche market seeing your posts, the more chances you’ll make money. For you to attract people to like or follow your social network you can do the following:

  1. Avoid posts that are promotion-heavy, people get easily spooked when they see too much advertisement and promotions on the page.
  2. Post useful information where your followers can learn something new. People value informative and fun social media networks.
  3. Follow people that have an interest in the niche that you are promoting.
  4. Re-post or retweet followers’ contributions so you can earn goodwill.
  5. Don’t start your affiliate marketing drive if you don’t have the large audience. If you attain a suitable number of audience, you can commence the marketing effort conservatively.

See How I Sell Products with Zero Inventory Using a Simple 4 Step Formula

Build a fun communitySocial Marketing Model - Upward trend

Use your creativity to compose posts that will cultivate your follower’s attention. Followers will notice posts packed with humor, you can now insert your promotions telling them how the product worked for you or the outstanding service they gave you when you booked into one of your affiliate resorts. You can also tell them why you are promoting the product.

Build Your First Blog Before Your Coffee is Brewed!

Learn How to Start Your Own Fun Blog using My 4 Step Formula

Some social media networks have limited characters to use; include in your post one or two essential feature/s of the product followed by the affiliate link. You’ll get an instant response if your post is unusual and attractive.

Try combining your post with other types of media

Post with heavy text is boring. You can mix your post with images and videos to make it enticing. A Facebook post that has graphics/images will have more interactions compared to post that are all text.

Using emoticons can increase user comments by 33%. Just don’t overdo the inclusion of emoticons in your post. Sprinkle a little and you will be fine.

Tag Admirable People

List 10 people that are doing a great contribution to the niche that engages and interests you. You can appreciate their work and perspective; you can join the fun by enjoying their humor. Follow them on Twitter or like their official page on Facebook; tag them later on with one of your posts. Complement their contribution to the industry.

People that follow a significant person will also notice you. There’s a chance that they will also follow or like your social network accounts. It will increase the population of your community/audience which gives a bigger chance of boosting your affiliate marketing program.

Complement your blog with your social media Social Marketing Model - social media iconnetwork

You can maximize your affiliate marketing campaign if your presence is on all platforms. When you have a blog and social networks to interchangeably promote the affiliate products and expand your reach, you will attain good results.

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Build Your First Blog Before Your Coffee is Brewed!

Learn How to Start Your Own Fun Blog using My 4 Step Formula

Rina Walker

Rina Walker - Founder of EarningOnline.come

I am Rina Walker the founder of Earning Online and have been running a successful affiliate marketing website and blogging about earning online opportunites since November 2016. The niches that I am involved in include Wealth Creation, Permaculture, Action Cameras and Social Enterprise - all of which I have a great interest in.

I'm also involved in helping, supporting and coaching online entrepreneurs of all levels to build and run their own successful web-based affiliate business.

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