How to Search Keywords – To Drive Traffic for your Website

How to Search Keywords To Drive Traffic for your Website - Busy road traffic image

Having and knowing ways to drive traffic to your website, means business and ultimately sales! Fortunately, there are a number of online marketing models and a few excellent free online tools on how to search keywords to drive traffic to your website.

These very useful tools are available to you in Wealthy Affiliate. In fact, every tool you need to build a successful web-based traffic generating business is in Wealthy Affiliate. Jaaxy is a very important tool used to find profit generating keywords – keywords that generate the flow of free web traffic and therefore more sales.

What are people searching for?

SOMETHING sparked their interest in the first place when they searched a keyword related to the want/pain they are trying to solve. Your website needs to come up in the search results of the first results page – being on this page is like having a shop on Mainstreet. Inside your shop, you have products to sell to potential customers.  They are looking for the item or solution to their want or pain and will either leave with or without buying anything. If you arent solving a pain for them, then they will leave with nothing. BUT…if you are able to solve their pain for them, then they will convert! The right keywords is like finding the key to the door of your website through which they enter.

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Locating your website on Mainstreet

If your store is hidden behind a backstreet somewhere where it’s hard to find, there is less chance that foot traffic will be coming in to browse. On the other hand, if your store is in the middle of Mainstreet, you will have a better chance of attracting traffic.  ITS THE SAME ON THE INTERNET. Google is like Mainstreet and is one place to be seen, Bing and Yahoo are also on Mainstreet but Google is where most will go, AND THIS IS ONE PLACE WHERE YOU NEED TO BE SEEN. Other places to be seen is in Social Networks like Facebook, Google plus, Twitter and alike. With the right support, knowledge, and tools, this is not hard to do.

Search Engines on Mainstreet

How to Search Keywords To Drive Traffic for your Website - busy pedestrian crossing image

Google, Bing and Yahoo are the main search engines on the internet. Google receiving 80% plus searches overall.

There are over 3 billion online users in the world and growing all the time. These users are all searching for something they want, and you may have what they are looking for and therefore the chances that they will buy it from your website is more than possible with the RIGHT help and support.

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You don’t have to try and go it alone. In fact, it could be a great time waster going it alone. I’m here to help and you owe me nothing. I know what it can be like. I wasted enough time going around in circles so why should you. Just drop me a line below and lets get you started on the right track.

The equivalent of internet Mainstreet Developers who assist and help you stand out on Mainstreet, or rather on Google, Bing, and Yahoo are just a click away.

Opportunities Galore in Jaaxy

Jaaxy, as mentioned earlier in this post is a great time saver! Why? Well, you can spend a few hours using the alphabet soup method to find keywords and phrases in Google and of course it is free. But, so is Jaaxy with it’s free trial version. However, I want to mention just how much time you can save with a tool such as Jaaxy looking for highranking keywords either as website names or for blog posts. If you don’t want to spend hours using the alphabet soup method in Google then a tool like Jaaxy is most likely the tool you want!

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Rina Walker

Rina Walker - Founder of EarningOnline.come

I am Rina Walker the founder of Earning Online and have been running a successful affiliate marketing website and blogging about earning online opportunites since November 2016. The niches that I am involved in include Wealth Creation, Permaculture, Action Cameras and Social Enterprise - all of which I have a great interest in.

I'm also involved in helping, supporting and coaching online entrepreneurs of all levels to build and run their own successful web-based affiliate business.

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